The next link is a useful information and self-help site which is U.S. based
RICHARD CHARON BDS(V.U.Manchester 1975)Dental Practitioner
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Snoring zzzzz!
The next link is a useful information and self-help site which is U.S. based
Your gum health is so important
The long-term benefits of healthy gums are even more important
The dental team at St.Mary's House have always taken your gum health seriously. We screen every patient for gum disease and inform you if we find that you a have gum problem.
We measure the gum attachment to the teeth regularly. Gum pockets, are gaps which develop around the teeth between the gum and the tooth. Gum recession involves a change in the height of the gum attached to the tooth, Very often the gum is healthy pink and firm but has risen up the side of the tooth. The causes are complex and may involve aspects which are genetic, dietary, stress related, localised or generlised bite problems, hormonal changes and lifestyle in nature. These may all affect or be reflected by the state of health of your gums as may other more serious conditions such as Diabetes .
We check for early warning signs of gum problems and monitor changes. You will have an individual program of therapy and advice tailored to help improve your gum health or treat any gum disease we may find, even if it is only affecting one side of one tooth only.
Remember, gums which bleed when you brush are not healthy , so seek advice.
We use the Basic Periodontal Examination (BPE) method to quickly and regularly assess your gums and to guide us as to the most appropriate treatment or advice for you. This quickly scores each of 6 zones or groups of teeth. Here is how it works:
Score 0 = Healthy gums
Score 1= Some bleeding and treatment and adsvise is simple
Score 2 = As per Score 1 plus tartar or rough fillings to clean or smooth over
Score 3 = Early stages of gum disease which need two or more visits to begin treating and then requires regular reviews and possibly more therapy
Score 4 or * = Established or advanced gum disease requiring more prolonged and specfic detailaled treatment depending on the exact nature of the problem. Regular gum treatment and monitoring of progress is needed every 2 or 3 months. Very occasionally referral to a specialist is needed.
There is no pill or magic wand to "cure" gum problems but they can be contolled, improved and managed.
Dental Hygiene Products
Are you mystified when you go to the chemist or supermarket by the vast choice of dental hygiene products? I am not surprised. These days the choices are almost neverending and no two people need the same ones.
Our dental hygienist, Nicky Smith, will advise you personally on the vast array of products, and then review your progress and continue to monitor your gum health and fine tune the best methods for you.
As a team, Nicky and I will carry out almost all the treatment or therapy required from the simple to the complex. We will advise on diet or lifestyle changes which are important or beneficial too.
Smokers, please remember ,any gum problems you have will be made worse by smoking and will be much slower to improve.
Your Bite and You
A new and simple treatment method
Question - What do all of these problems have in common?
Answer ...
Temperomandibular Joint (Dysfunction Syndrome)
and TMJ problems
First let's look at TMJ(ds)
If your bite is misaligned, even by a tiny amount, then your jaws cannot find a stable and comfortable resting place. Your jaw joints are the most complex in your body in the way they move and your teeth position direclty guides the range of jaw movements - opening, side to side ,forward and back and so on. Together with your jaw muscles, the back teeth and front teeth as distinct groups of teeth, form a complicated, yet wonderful system.
If your teeth (whether natural or filled,crowned or bridged) are misaligned then your jaw joints (TMJs) cannot smoothly move in all directions as they should.
You have a large group of powerful muscles which operate the jaw movements and if these are overstretched or uncoordinated due to your uneven bite, then they go into spasm. You get jaw muscle cramp.This manifests itself as faceache,migraine, tension headache (especially over the temples) but can also affect your neck and shoulders too.
However some people manage to find a way of coping with their misaligned bite. They grind their teeth in an effort to find that happy resting position, or they posture their jaws in various ways to avoid the clashing teeth contacts. This is what leads to cracks in teeth, worn down front teeth and repated breakage of fillings.
So how can I help if you have these problems?
To begin with I have been treating people with TMJ for many years. The process begins with a thorough examination and discussion and questionairre to identify if TMJ or TMJ(ds) are real problems for you.
A full survey or analysis of the bite is often needed. Models of your teeth are created from accurate impressions (moulds) and special measurments of the jaw position at rest as well as your jaw joint axis position, which is special to you are made. These measuements are used to transfer the models of your teeth to our highly accurate
This articulator is a beautifully engineered,mechanical jaw complete with two fully moveable joints which are set to mimic your own jaw movements and tooth positions.
I can then analyse your bite in detail and from all angles to determine if and how your bite is "wrong". At a second consultation we discuss the findings and look at the possible treatment options. These are many and varied and may range from a single adjustment to the shape of one of your fillings, to short,medium or long term use of a bite guard, often at night only.
Treatment involves a combination of threrapies and investigations: One or more types of bite guard may be prescribed. These either better assess your specific problem or begin the healing process.
Several years ago we also began to use a new simple style of night guard for some of our patients.
This is the NTI(tss) appliance
If you have broadband and can view streaming video, watch this first.
Otherwise click on the NTI(tss) link above
This american designed device has gained increasing interest and evidence of success in recent years. It is simple to make and simple to wear.
The following link contains a video with detailed information about this method of helping facial pain, headaches and some migraines.
For the technically minded even more detailed and, comprehensive information about jaw joint and jaw muscle activity, jaw clenching and grinding habits can be found on the NTI(tss) general website can be found here.
The NTI has been approved by the ADA ( American Dental Association)
Please call for a consulation and examination if you feel we may be able to help recurrent jawache,facial pain,headaches,migraine or even neck or shoulder pain.
01635 47757
Occasionally more involved treatment may be indicated including replaement of old or faulty fillngs or crowns and sometimes tooth straightening with orthodontics is needed. Hoever would almost always need to test how a new bite might feel to you by using a bite guard to mimic to the ideal bite position. If this works then we would go on to considering a more permanant change in your tooth arrangement along the same lines.
Sometimes the misaligned bite manifests itself in another way. If your jaw joints click or pop when you open and close or yawn then the jaw joint itself is affected. Here, the little disc which sits in between he top of your lower jaw and the joint socket has become misaligned. This may be to a greater or lesser extent and usuually gets gradully wose over time, sometimes many years.
The longer it is left untreated the more difficult it usually is to treat. Any or all of the TMJ(ds) treatments above may well help joint problems in the early stages. Later stages of joint problems may even sometimes require surgery to remove the disc, or re-shape or re-position the disc.
Please ask for more information or a consultation if you are concerned or troubled by TMJ(ds) or joint popping or clicking.
If your problem is complex, then referral to an appropriate specialist will be arranged.
Useful links:
Are you very anxious about having dental treatment